—  Oasis Discussion Group —  Taylorsville Library @ 4870 S 2700 W · Taylorsville, UT

Salt Lake Oasis discussion group is like a book club, but focused on several options for content - such as podcasts, TED Talks, online articles, etc. This month we'll discuss Color Blindness/ What is it, does it perpetuate racism and what are the social consequences of it?

“Color Blindness” and its consequences, resources for discussion:

  1. https://www.ted.com/talks/mellody_hobson_color_blind_or_color_brave Mellody Hobson TED talk, 14 minutes
  2. https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/anxiety/episodes/what-does-color-blind-really-mean Notes from America Podcast with Ibram X. Kendi, 27 minutes
  3. https://www.ted.com/talks/coleman_hughes_a_case_for_color_blindness Coleman Hughes TED talk, 13 minutes
  4. https://www.ted.com/talks/coleman_hughes_and_jamelle_bouie_does_color_blindness_perpetuate_racism Debate on Color Blindness - Coleman Hughes & Jamelle Bouie via Open to Debate & TED, 75 minutes
  5. There are many great articles, podcasts, videos, books, etc. with or by many great people on this topic. So, I encourage you to find more resources if you have the time and share them in the comments section on our MeetUp event or the Salt Lake Oasis Discord community.

If you have any other media you'd like to add to our conversation, such as books, podcasts, essays, or articles then please share those with the group in the comments of the MeetUp event, in person when we meet, or you can get conversations going on the Oasis Network Discord - Salt Lake Oasis has a mini community within it.

Alysha is the board member organizing this event, so look for her as a point of contact. We'll be in their main meeting room.

You can see more events and details about our community at our website: https://www.saltlakeoasis.org/

Donations are always welcome and necessary to keep our community thriving. If you enjoy what we're doing, then please consider supporting us by donating.
https://account.venmo.com/u/salt lake city oasis

Find Salt Lake Oasis Discussion Group

Taylorsville Library
4870 S 2700 W, Taylorsville, UT 84129